Next round starts in March 2025!
The healing & activation journey for healers, mystics, psychics & female leaders who are ready to fully align with their soul purpose by activating their soul gifts, healing their blocks & limitations and stepping into their divine feminine expression.
You are ready to:
... feel clear about your purpose, activated in your soul gifts and ready to step into being of service.
... live in tune with your intuition and your psychic abilities.
… step through the portal of your fullest potential as a healer, psychic, mystic or female leader.
... live in deep alignment with your soul and your essence.
… leave your fears, blocks & limiting beliefs around sharing your gifts with the world behind you.
... fully unlock the gifts & abilities your soul has been perfecting for lifetimes - knowing that all of these are inside you already.
The life you want is already waiting for you within your soul blueprint, your soul gifts, and your unique soul essence.
A few years ago, a series of rock-bottom moments pushed me into my soul awakening. Up until then, I had lived the life I was taught to live: study, get a degree, find a job. Even though I had always known that I wanted to be self-employed, have as much freedom as possible and do something that makes a difference - I had no idea how to make that happen.
I’d spent most of my life disconnected from my soul and my true essence. I had tried really hard to fit in, to not be different, to do what was expected of me. I was constantly operating from my masculine energy and I tried hard to always be in control. I had completely forgotten how to surrender to flow, intuition and my inner knowing.
Deep down, I wanted to do something meaningful while living a life that felt fulfilling and exciting to me. I dreamed of soul-aligned relationships, living close to nature and spending my days on my own terms.
In 2019, my entire life seemed to start crumbling on every single level and I found myself on a journey that brought me back into contact with my soul. Not having grown up spiritual at all, I was suddenly guided to places and people that helped me reconnect and remember. The Akashic Records found me and I realized that this was going to be my path. Channelling my guides, connecting with people's souls, healing past lifetimes to remove blocks and moving in the world of energy felt like finally coming home to myself.

This is where the actual work started. As exciting as all of this felt to me, it was also deeply terrifying and I started running into visibility blocks, the fear of being seen, worthiness issues, doubts & limiting beliefs. It was as if I could feel my purpose but the path to get there felt overwhelming. I had to clear layers of conditioning, past life trauma, ancestral patterns and childhood experiences. I had to do deep psychic work to fully open my channel & my gifts.
As challenging as it was at times, the results of this deep energy work were absolutely incredible. The invisible ceiling I had always sensed was suddenly so easy to break through. I started to feel deeply connected to myself, my soul & my feminine energy. My psychic abilities opened up fully and my mission became crystal clear. I let go of the fear, the doubts & the limiting beliefs.
I was able to exponentially grow my spiritual business with ease. I suddenly found myself doing what I loved most on a daily basis. I started feeling deeply devoted to being of service & letting myself be guided by spirit. I created a life of freedom and abundance for myself where I can live and travel wherever I want to, at any time. Reconnecting with my soul and my unique essence fully opened me up to my purpose and the life that deep down I had always dreamed of.
Embodying your soul's essence and your soul gifts is your key to living a soul-aligned, fulfilling, magical & abundant life.
Are you ready to step through the portal and claim the life you've been dreaming of?
The 13-week healing & activation journey to align you with your soul purpose and create the life you’re dreaming of by healing the blocks that are holding you back from embodying your soul gifts.
Divine Soul Alignment is an entirely channelled intimate group program in which we go deep into healing the blocks that are holding you back from aligning with your divine feminine expression, your gifts and your soul purpose.
The reason this program is so life-changing is because we go beyond your present lifetime by working with your past life experiences, your ancestral lineage and your soul’s journey in its entirety.
We go beyond the conscious mind and right into your subconscious, your energy body and the limiting beliefs you’re holding.
Inside DSA, we go beyond traditional tools and methods by working with channelled information, your spirit guides & ancient Egyptian energies like the Ka so that your soul can start to remember the power you held in previous incarnations and embody the most powerful, impactful version of yourself that feels ready to guide others. Directly channelling your spirit guides takes all the guesswork out of what it is that you need to become fully soul-aligned.
This program allows you to transform at the deepest levels through a unique combination of energy work, masculine & feminine energetics, inner child healing, ancestral processes & past life healing so you're no longer doing work that addresses only the surface-level issues.
APPLY NOWInside Divine Soul Alignment, you will:
Activate your soul purpose & your soul gifts so you can experience the deep fulfillment that comes with doing the work your soul came here to do.
Heal your womb and drop into a deep connection with your womb space to experience yourself as the powerful intuitive & psychic woman you are.
Heal your visibility blocks so you can express your authentic self without fear & live a life of freedom on your own terms without caring what others think.
Activate your psychic & healing abilities to fully own your power and your magic and let yourself be a vessel for divine guidance to flow through.
Start to embody the Divine Feminine to call in soul-aligned relationships and nourishing, magical sisterhood to support and hold you on your path.
Activate your KA body to bring your higher self into your physical body & drop into deep devotion to your soul and the people you came here to share your gifts with.
Heal your feminine & masculine energies so you can live your day-to-day life from a place of inner balance and grounded flow.

Program Outline
Portal 1
We lay the foundations by activating your soul purpose & soul blueprint, so you can start gaining clarity on your highest path. We clear any limiting beliefs, ancestral blocks or past life trauma you might have around stepping into your purpose. Working with your womb & your heart chakra, we prepare your system to open up to receive: deeper connections, abundance, love. You learn how to connect and work with your womb space to transform your life from the inside out.
Portal 2
Healing your visibility blocks, your fear of being seen, as well as confidence & worthiness wounds will make it feel safe and exciting for you to fully express yourself and bring your unique gifts into the world. We will work with the witch wound and any past life and ancestral trauma that blocks you from sharing your light with the world.
Portal 3
We start healing your feminine and masculine energies so you can balance action-taking & structure with intuition, flow & resting. We activate the divine feminine channels and allow for the energies of flow, surrender & receiving to become natural for you. We will work with powerful sacral and Kundalini energies which will allow your self-expression and your creativity to reach entirely new levels. We heal your inner masculine to provide a safe container for your inner feminine to thrive and fully express herself so you can drop into your unique embodiment of magic.
Portal 4
During this portal, we will start fully activating your psychic abilities and clear fears around your psychic gifts for a deeper connection with your intuition and your guides and to receive clearer messages through your psychic senses than ever before. (Re-)activating and reconnecting with your soul gifts will allow you to step into your fullest potential when sharing your gifts with others.
Portal 5
Atlantean, Lemurian and Galactic Transmissions to support your soul in accessing your highest potential and timeline. We will support you in significantly raising your frequency so you can connect to higher dimensions with confidence, start manifesting with ease and embrace all layers of your existence.
Portal 6
This is where we will bring it all together. We’re anchoring in your highest timeline, clear limiting beliefs around abundance and money, call in soul-aligned connections and clear any remaining resistance around shining your light unapologetically, so you can step into soul alignment & freedom and start having the impact you know your soul is here to have.
When you join Divine Soul Alignment,
you'll receive:
13 weekly Live Group Calls
Every week, we will meet live via Zoom to do the energy healing & activation work, followed by enough time to ask your questions and receive support with what you're moving through. Each week contains powerful guided processes, different healing modalities & Ka activations.
Private Group Chat Support
This is where you can ask any questions that come up in between live calls and share your experience to receive guidance and support at any point of your journey. It is also a space to connect with like-minded sisters from across the globe to create lasting bonds.
Integration Processes
The weekly processes will be given to you after the life calls and consist of practices, exercises, assignments or journaling prompts to fully integrate the live sessions and learn tools that you can use for a lifetime. They are easy to implement into your day-to-day life and will enhance your experience by taking you even deeper.
Divine Soul Alignment is not only a group program - it is a sacred sisterhood for women to walk this path and rise together. It is a room for us to deeply connect with one another and heal century-old wounds and limitations. It is a safe space for you to step into your most authentic, empowered self - supported by sisters.
Belen Desiree Nazihi, Spain
"My life is completely changed. My purpose is clear, my soul business is finally up and running and I could not be happier."
"Before DSA I was clear on my soul purpose. I knew I was here to serve source, I knew I had gifts as I’ve been clairsentient my whole life and two years earlier I had begun channeling light language but I didn’t know exactly what direction to take with my healing practices.
I knew that it would be big, and wow has it been just that..! Through DSA I have been able to experience a peeling of layer after layer of what we would refer to as the ego. I’ve been able to experience healing of the feminine and masculine energies both within and without leading to a more balanced and open window of presence in my day to day life.
For me, most importantly I have healed the witch wound. This one had kept me from unleashing my confidence and finding my true essence. It turns out my gifts were so much more than I had come to know about at the time of signing up and in fact, the more I continue my own path of healing, shadow work and working with my guides, the more my gifts expand and the stronger and clearer my connection to source and goddess is.
I am now able to say I do not doubt myself, I do not second guess my intuition. I have a clear channel and connection to my higher self and guides. Through the ancestral work done with Chiara I have been able to identify and clear many wounds holding me back from expressing my true core essence, from receiving what my soul desires, from forming and belonging to a sisterhood.
I feel home again. Chiara possesses such a safe energy that it is impossible not to open up and feel comfortable baring your soul absolutely bare. My life is completely changed."

Kelly Fisher, Australia
"I confidently channel my guides and business guides, and I’ve even channeled my first business strategy."
"Before joining DSA, I was unclear about my purpose and struggled to figure out where to focus my attention. I lacked the confidence to follow through on my calling, even though I felt a deep pull to do something soul-aligned. I was stuck in old, repeating patterns and felt far removed from the life I knew my soul came here to experience. Before DSA, I had never confidently channeled my guides or trusted in my psychic abilities.
Since completing DSA, my confidence has grown massively. I feel blocks and limiting beliefs have shifted and will continue to do so. Now, I confidently channel my guides and business guides, and I’ve even channeled my first business strategy, which flowed through me from spirit, rather than trying to figure it all out from my head. Chiara provides a deeply supportive portal, no matter where you are on your path.
I now have a clearer sense of purpose and trust that I’m moving toward something soul-aligned as I continue building my soul-aligned business! If you feel called to join this group, you will receive exactly what you need - trust it :)"

Stephanie Lianos, Australia
"I could go on for lifetimes about this program, It has changed everything for me, I feel more powerful, in flow and connected to myself than ever before. I would do this program 100x over, it will change your life. Don't think twice."
"When my energy led me to DSA, I had no expectations of what I wanted to get out of the program, I just knew that it was the medicine I needed.
From a life perspective, before I entered the container I had reached a point of stagnancy within my business. I knew it was time to evolve but I didn't know where to begin. I was using muscle testing as the means of energetically healing my clients, but as soon as we worked on activating our soul gifts I was able to let go of muscle testing and make my business an entirely channelled experience.
I was able to change my entire business model and rely on my soul gifts in their entirety. My channel is very clear and open and brings in significant financial return within my business. I hit my first $10k month in the 2nd month of the container and also launched a group program that was entirely channelled. This would not have been possible without DSA. I am so much more aware of what my inner feminine feels like and how to activate her each day, I am currently going through a full rebirth of this energy and relearning how to move through the world from the feminine first, rather than from the masculine.
The most potent medicine for me in this container was all the ancestral healing and clearing. I knew before entering the container that the ancestral wounds I held around the feminine ran deep and were suffocating my inner feminine. I feel that I have finally closed my ancestral wounds around the feminine and am the cycle breaker in my family.
No other woman in my family has chased her dreams, been financially independent and in her full power and until clearing this ancestral energy I felt that I was stuck in the patterns and traumas that existed before me.
I honestly feel like I've known Chiara for lifetimes and I trusted her energy from the moment I first came into contact with her instagram. She is so gifted, so embodied and such a powerful channel. I would do this program 100x over, it will change your life. Don't think twice. I would recommend this container to any self led, spiritual woman who is ready to dive deep into her power and awaken her divine feminine. This program will earthquake the old foundations of your life to prepare you for your feminine path. Thank you Chiara, I love youu!!"

Kalynn Frechette, USA
"Since ending, I have quantum leaped 4 times and now fully trust blindly in my gifts."
Before this program I had already gone on a deep self love journey and healing my childhood wounds as I entered motherhood and didn’t want to carry these unresolved things into their lives. I felt like I needed to start embracing the new things that were coming up from this moment such as spiritual gifts and felt like i needed help getting there. Enter Chiara.
Healing my past wounds, my ancestors fears of letting these gifts be shown was the highlight of my healing in course. I was struggling to accept my gifts of channeling, hearing downloads, and my healing hands as I have people in my life that majorly questioned the authenticity of it, and I allowed myself to question it.
I ended this course earlier in September and since ending, I have quantum leaped 4 times and now fully trust blindly in my gifts. I held my first super authentic workshop featuring all of my gifts and I felt this intense feeling of fulfilling my purpose which magnified the right people into my life to help them heal as well.
I now offer Reiki, stepping into alignment with human design coaching, holistic medicine from my past medicine woman self and my gift for using tarot cards. I trust blindly in myself, my guides and my purpose."

Robyn Montgomery, Canada
"This program is uniquely designed to support you exactly where you need it, and facilitates life-changing shifts that bring you home to yourself and your soul."
I am so unbelievably grateful to have had the opportunity to journey through DSA. I joined DSA for the journey, truthfully honouring an inner nudge and I’m so glad I did. Over the course of 13 weeks I released, grew, connected, and expanded in ways that are difficult to put into words.
DSA connected me to my higher self and helped me anchor her in so I feel fully connected and supported in ways I didn’t realize weren’t there before. Thank you Chiara for sharing your gifts through this program and for being the guiding voice I needed. I am a forever fan of your work and so grateful for this experience.

Lucia Rodríguez, Spain
"This programme has been extremely profound and life changing for me."
I came across Chiara's profile on Instagram and I first did some of her offerings, her energy work deeply resonated with me and it started shifting my vibration almost instantly. When I saw that Divine Soul Alignment was starting I felt a deep calling to it and even though it wasn't something financially aligned with my situation at the time, I decided to follow my intuition and excitement rather than the fear of it. I am truly grateful I decided to follow this, now I know, the universe always supports you when you choose yourself and to live from your highest excitement.
DSA has transformed me at a very deep level, it brought up and healed so many blocks and patterns that were holding me back from being my most authentic self, developing my psychic abilities and embracing my mission in this lifetime.
Thanks to this programme I have a clear sense of purpose stronger than ever before. Forever grateful to Chiara for having created this space and healing programme. It allowed me to meet my soul sisters, created deep bonds with them and felt strongly supported at all times. Chiara is very warm, loving and truly inspiring, thank you for everything Chiara."
Laura Marquès, Spain
"I have healed my visibility blocks and I have been able to speak my truth on camera without having any physical or mental reaction. I took the courage to start my business."
Before working with Chiara I was very confused. I was in the middle of my first pregnancy, and I was feeling lost when it comes to my professional life. I knew I wanted to start my business however I had so many blocks regarding speaking my truth, being seen, and owning my gifts.
After joining DSA, the quality of my life has changed a lot. I am deeply connected to my spirituality, and I constantly practice speaking to my guides asking for guidance. I have embodied a deeper sense of trust towards life and myself.
I feel my masculine and feminine energies are balanced and aligned and this allows me to take action towards what I want while honouring my body, my rhythms and what I need.
And I am doing all that while I am being a first-time and very present mama. I also healed so many limiting beliefs and emotions that were holding me back. A lot of them were not even mine, but they were coming from my ancestors. I could also learn about my past lifetimes, and I could understand many things about myself and why I was not allowing myself to be seen authentically.
The way Chiara holds space is absolute magic. I have never felt so seen in my life. She has put words and sense to things that I could feel but that I could not explain. And it has been a huge relief. Working with Chiara is one of the best investments I have ever made. Thank you Chiara!"
The gap between where you are now and where you’re envisioning yourself to be can be bridged through deep soul activation work.
It’s an initiation. A remembering. An awakening.
And it starts the moment you say Yes to it.
You know you're here for so much more than living a mediocre, unaligned, disconnected life where you're hiding your spiritual gifts & leaving your connection to the higher realms untapped for the sake of fitting in.
What are you waiting for?
Monika Håkonsen, Norway
"So grateful for this as it has taken my life into a new course where I started my own business and am now living my soul's purpose."
Just before Chiara launched the program I started to feel the call towards Priestesshood; reclaiming the Divine Feminine in myself again, and get balance between the feminine energies and masculine energies in me. So when she launched the program I felt a strong pull to join. This is the second of her programs I have joined, so I knew it would give me a lot of transformation as the first programme did for me.
Chiara’s gifts are incredible! During the DSA programme so much shifted. I purged a lot of old beliefs and experiences. I also feel so much more confidence around being a woman and being in my feminine energy. I feel so much more powerful in my feminine and more unapologetic in being the full spectrum of me. I have absolutely come to appreciate myself and my body more, and got to expand my self-worth even more.
With the healings we did in the program my psychic abilities strengthened. I had some of the «clairs» (claircognizance, clairvoyance etc.), but they became even stronger and even my healing abilities emerged, as well as my light language. This happened after we did a lot of healing around the masculine, which obviously was blocking my gifts to activate.
I honestly feel so happy and fulfilled in life. I attract so much good into my life - people, opportunities, money. MY people have found me when I got to heal all my blocks and step more into who I truly am. I can’t express my gratitude for Chiara and her dedication to her work and her clients. There has never been an issue asking her for help or support during this journey. She’s the most gentle and loving soul, and I respect her so much for the work she has done for her self to be able to bring her gifts to the world. I can’t stress enough how talented she is, so if you feel the call to work with her you ABSOLUTELY should! She is worth every penny. And as a matter of fact, you won’t think about the money you spend on working with her when you start, because you will get so much value in return! I am forever grateful!"
Katie Davis, USA
"For anyone yearning to align with their higher self and explore the depths of their spiritual potential, this program is a luminous beacon guiding you home. "
Embarking on DSA has been a profound odyssey into the depths of my soul. From the moment of energetic connection with the group, the radiant energies of the universe amplified to flow through me. Each session was a cosmic alignment, guiding me to reclaim my essence and step fully onto my soul path.
Before DSA, I was working full time as an optometrist. I had been exploring spirituality, energetic healing and emotion release over the last few years and could feel I was calling in a new era with a move and a direction change in my job. I wanted to move out of the grind of seeing patients all day every day to something else. But that else had not taken shape yet. I live my life from a place of trust so I knew the pieces would unfold. Chiara came across my IG feed and I was captivated by her energy. I listened to her podcast and signed up for DSA immediately. Never looked back when I got such a wildly embodied YES to her offering.
As the energy transmissions unfolded, I began to awaken latent psychic gifts that had been quietly whispering to be. It was as if the universe changed from a whisper to releasing visions and illuminating the web of connection that binds us in this 3D reality to the dimensions beyond. Chiara created an alchemical space where transformation flourished, and I found myself shedding layers of old paradigms like the serpent shedding its skin that pulsed through my crown during one of our sessions.
The program not only illuminated my soul purpose but also reconnected me with the boundless joy that resides in the heart of creation. I know now what I will be offering and am stepping into— I will be guiding clients on their own journey of developing their INNERVISION- grounded in the science and 3D deep knowledge of how the human and optical vision system works.
I am eternally grateful for this mystical journey—an initiation that has ignited my spirit and opened doors to realms of possibility previously unseen. I know there is more for me to unfold but for the first time, I have the ability to listen and do as directed by source. I am excited to navigate the uncharted waters of my soul, knowing that the universe is conspiring in my favor."

Lucrecia Arce López, Spain
"By gifting it to yourself you are sending the message to the Universe that you are ready for a more direct upgrade, and, it may feel like a bumpy ride at times, but it’s all for a better alignment!"
Simply by being in this group, as months went by, things have automatically been getting clear, the unnecessary has left my life, my intentions felt stronger and with more clarity. I have a stronger sense of where I need to go, what I want to do, how I’m going to do it. I surrendered to my life being guided by these energies. I also started a romantic relationship which feels different to every other, so healthy. I feel everything much stronger and it’s just crazy how I have an idea, ask for it out loud, and it happens.
My abilities and gifts feel stronger than ever, and I’m practicing on making them stronger through Reiki and Akashic Records. Another crazy thing for me are light code images have started appearing and I can’t stop drawing them.
If you’re thinking of being a part of this circle, the fact that it’s in your mind, and you have come accross this space says it all. I can’t express how grateful I am for Chiara, the group of women, and myself, for having had the courage to jump into this, and how much i’ve gained from attending!"

Jasmin Knight, Australia
"I wish for every woman to do this course.
I truly believe healing and empowering the divine feminine is the medicine the world needs. Before DSA I had no idea how repressed and wounded my feminine was. I was somewhat connected to my soul path, intuition & creative energy ~ however, I knew from Akashic records readings and my intuition that I had many lives of repression & trauma (witch wounds) that were blocking me from fully embodying my soul gifts and deeper psychic senses.
I was trained in many psychic arts, divination tools, metaphysical & healing modalities but still felt lost in how to bring them together in my unique way. I also felt constrained by a perpetual sense that I needed to know/have/be more before I was worthy as a spiritual guide and healer. I had already done a lot of energy work & subconscious reprogramming -which was helpful- but it only got me so far. I felt on path, but somewhat lost, exhausted and frustrated that I wasn’t fully aligned or further along with what my soul called for me to step into.
After completing Chiara’s incredible course I feel a deep sense of grounding and confidence in who I am and my soul mission. I feel an overall deeper sense of peace, clarity, grace & empowerment. I feel more in flow with my life and trust that I am not only just on path, but exactly where I “should” be. I have a crystallised vision for how to weave together my wisdom and skills in various offerings for my soul business.
I have manifested random influxes of money, not even connected to my business. I am more connected to my sensuality and sexuality - of which this energy was dormant after the birth of my daughter 2.5 years ago. I’ve also been (re)united with kindred souls & a sisterhood that continues to support and expand my soul’s journey.
I have encouraged all of my spiritual sisters to connect with Chiara & her amazing work. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her work to anyone. She is an incredibly clear channel and phenomenal energy healer. I am forever grateful to have found this beautiful woman & her life-changing work."
Ashleigh Farleigh, USA
"If you are thinking about joining DSA, or any of her programs, DO IT. You won’t regret it and your soul will thank you. Having Chiara as a guide and mentor is a priceless gift.”
Chiara is such a gifted soul who is changing lives in incredible ways. I was hesitant to spend so much on DSA but had this strong calling that it was what my soul was guiding me to. Since completing DSA my soul gifts are opening back up, my past life and present life blocks have been cleared and I have a deeper knowing what my soul purpose is. As my soul gifts strengthen, I am finding a deep calm and peace within my soul along with incredible cellular level healing of some health issues. My confidence in showing up as who I really am in this world is strengthening.
The sisterhood wound is one that has deeply affected me, both past and present life trauma. Since DSA I have started to reconnect with many female souls and manifesting the right people into my life. I have since started a new Instagram page to begin sharing my journey and one day I’d like to help others.
Having Chiara as a guide and mentor is a priceless gift. She has a tremendous gift to find your blocks, see your past life trauma and connect with your spirit guides. She uses this info to clear the blocks and trauma so your soul gifts can shine through. During DSA she combines traumas and blocks with the collective group, as well as individuals to make sure we leave each session with exactly what is needed.
Chiara creates a calm, loving and safe space where you feel you can really open up and share with the group. With the changes already happening to me, I can’t wait to see where I am in a year as I continue my daily practice.”
Francesca Lagomarsino, Italy
"I think Chiara is a gift to the world, she was for me. I have participated in so many programs so far, but Chiara’s one is different.
Over the last year and a half I have experienced a big awakening and have begun to open up to my spirituality. I was a very intuitive person and I felt drawn to the idea of exploring more of my inner world in a new way. I was used to the more practical approach - therapy, coaching,...
I struggled a lot with self-worth, I had huge visibility block that freezed me every time I tried to speak in public or even in a group of people. I struggled to evaluate my worth and what I had to share and even as I began reading the Akashic Records I always felt a lot of resistance and was unable to surrender and receive messages clearly. After the sessions I was exhausted and didn't believe in my ability to receive. I had difficulty exposing myself and relating to other women for the fear of being judged, rejected or not accepted. As a result of my fears, my relationships were not satisfying at all and as a result of prioritizing myself and starting to show up in a more authentic way, things change around me.
When the program began, from the very first call I felt a great uplifting energy throughout my body. The first week a lot of suppressed emotions came out and it felt like I was purging. I remember that most of the calls were emotionally intense and so much insights and clarity came over the weeks after. One of the first things I felt becoming part of me was a sense of joy related to being myself and showing myself without the fear of being rejected. Like a new level of acceptance of who I am. Then I noticed my level of confidence in showing myself in public increased and I get feedbacks telling me I look different.
A huge amount of work was done with the womb and I think it still impacts my ability to receive and create. As I began to energetically connect to my womb, I felt many stuck energies emerge in the form of emotions, words, sounds. I began to feel the energy moving into my body and intentionally moved it to heal. I gained a new level of bliss and sense of wholeness.
Now that the program is over I am experiencing a phase of integration, I connect daily with my guides in a much more natural way than before without putting up any resistance and I completely trust whatever comes and with full acceptance of my needs and my time.
All of the soul alignment work brought me to the point of recognizing that I was still hiding and not showing myself fully, giving me the motivation to step into more authentic expression. From the moment I stop pushing, I receive things in a new way, I manifest a new amount of money and my first ever payment client serving with my soul gifts. I ended up in a group of women that I met during this year and there I feel I can express myself freely like I never had thanks to the work we did on the wound of sisterhood.
And I know that everything that manifests now is only a small part of what is to come. The consciousness I have experienced especially in the last few weeks is something I can barely explain.
The space Chiara creates is pure love and acceptance and this for me was crucial as I was able to bring in my vulnerability and alchemize strong feelings to release them. The group was amazing, all the women were so supportive. I felt touched and inspired by each one of them, incredible strong and loving women. Chiara’s ability to work with past lives and the activation of energetic parts is incredible, she brings huge value with this program, so much has changed in a very short time! And above all Chiara is an example of true service, she is there for you when you need it, she gives you her best and you can feel it, her passion, her love, it makes all the difference. So I hope more and more people can meet her work and change their lives, so if you are thinking of doing it, do it!”
A Channelled Message from Goddess Isis
Divine daughters,
Your time has come. The divine feminine is rising and you are part of this movement.
Remember your power, divine one. Remember who you came here to be and all the lifetimes that have prepared you for this moment. You are meant to rise, you are meant to shine your light into this world.
I am here to walk this path with you. The path of remembrance. I will walk you home to your innermost essence. I will remind you of the incredible gift it is to be a woman. I will open your eyes to your own divine beauty. Remember: you came here to bring your fullest expression into the world.
I’m inviting you to go on this journey with me and remember your infinite, limitless potential. Your body is a portal. You are the channel. All you need is already within you and I will walk beside you to discover it.
Your mothers, your grandmothers and all the women who came before them have been waiting for this moment. Not only will you heal your own wounds, you will also heal your entire lineage.
Remember, divine one, what a gift it is to be alive and live inside a body that is a portal for creation. You can create your world. You are a vessel for divine codes to flow through.
It’s time now. It’s time to heal your wounds, burn your limiting beliefs and unleash your untamed, wild, innermost essence. I’m waiting for you. And the world is waiting, too. Let me show you the infinite possibilities that unfold once you start to walk the path of the divine feminine.
Rise with me. Rise with your fellow sisters. And remember your divine feminine essence.

Lerato Titus, South Africa
"It is now safe to be me."
"The experience was mind blowing from the first session. Chiara taught me so much about myself and spirituality as a whole. I had limited knowledge about energy work and she broke all barriers for me. My life has changed in so many ways. I became a better human, a better mom, more patient and loving.
My relationship with myself changed, it is now safe to be me and I am grateful because before it always seemed like madness when you have people visiting you or spirit talking to you and then here I am in a container with all these women who are going through the same things as me, perceiving life like me and we are completely normal human beings. She taught me to look at abundance in a more broader sense, love and joy. That I shouldn't be limited by my circumstances and she also awakened the alchemist in me.
I have had the most life-changing experience with this program and everything I learnt and am becoming is creating the best version of me. I am looking forward to the membership subscription as I want to continue with her being my mentor."

Kate Oliver, Australia
"The entirety of my being would do DSA again and again because this personal excavation, healing and activation has resulted in a new human!"
"I am so grateful to Chiara for this body of work she has compiled. Before DSA I had a pretty good idea of what a soul aligned life for me as a Creative and a Channel would look like. I was attempting to achieve this, but I was coming up against quite strong wounded masculine and feminine blocks. Even though I knew that pushing wasn’t helpful, I still seemed to inevitably get stuck in the loop of a wounded way of going about things.
During the process of DSA there was a lot of healing going on, which didn’t always feel so comfortable but was absolutely in my highest good and things always came about to resolution in a much better way after the fact. The Ka activations were especially transformative for me.
Towards the end of the program I had some remarkable illuminations. My Higher Self became completely anchored into my being at all times, accessible to me in all that I do. I can now feel I am in alignment with my soul’s desires and it is clear to me when I am acting from this place. If there is a misalignment, I will be directed to the fastest track to healing or the situation will simply resolve itself. My life has become more easeful moving in this way.
Probably the most transformative element for me (other than this obviously very useful Higher Self alignment), was the ability to move from inspiration rather than obligation. This was one of my hopes when I signed up and achieving this looks like me being able to play more! This has allowed me to open up to new projects that feel much more soul aligned and that I feel fulfilled by and experience a sense of enjoyment in. This has changed my perspective on the way I achieve my soul purpose and has brought about a new way of going about it that brings me joy.
Towards the end of the activations there were some weeks where I was so high I felt completely free. Now that the energies have integrated further I am so finely in tune with my guidance system that I know in each moment the right move to make for me. So instead of wondering and worrying about all the steps in the path ahead and how I might get there, I am able to tap into my inner compass and know what is next to do. My channel is crystal clear between myself and spirit and my soul.
Chiara is a beautiful human who clearly comes from a deeply fortified place, which can only come from one’s own inner cultivation. As a result, her sensitivity and attentive nature are unconditionally comforting during transformations that can be turbulent at times. She offers her support throughout the process in an unwavering approach.
As well as her sparkly self, the actual processes that are involved in DFR are so incredibly beautiful and nourishing. Journeying alongside the sisterhood is infinitely supportive and we can help to mirror each other’s experience to offer additional revelations.
I feel so much love for Chiara and my sisters. Despite some of my initial reservations in attributing resources and my inner trials along my individual path, the entirety of my being would do DFR again and again because this personal excavation, healing and activation has resulted in a new human! I am now learning how to move my new and improved human throughout the world to explore what fun things I want to create here! I am excited for the creative exploration and discovery of my next chapter. Thank you Chiara and my DFR sisters for this beautiful experience."

Dana Rehorn, Germany
" I couldn't be any more grateful! I have always been struggling with being too much in my masculine energy and I knew that this program is going to change everything."
Also because of a mentorship program that I did with Chiara before knowing HOW powerful her work is.
These past 5 months have been very transformative and definitely shaken up my reality. Lots of changes, learnings, shifts, more awareness and a deeper connection to self. I have also had big shifts when it comes to connections with other human beings or attracting different souls that are more aligned with my values and path.
I feel like I am finding balance after having healed the wounds of my inner masculine and feminine. There are still things that need to be integrated, but I can not wait for what‘s still to come and what is about to manifest after having done this work. I am so happy to having found Chiara.
She is one of the clearest channels I have met so far and I love how she does support everyone and brings so much light into this world. Beyond grateful for this experience..these words do not even justify the experience. Thank you Chiara..from my heart to yours."
Ciara Hennebry, Ireland
"I am now ready to start my spiritual business which I knew I wanted, but was so afraid before the course."
Before DFR I was so lost. I thought I was the only person ever that had spiritual experiences and it was amazing to be part of a group of like-minded people. Now I feel like spirituality is such a big part of my life and it’s who I am, not something I was hiding because I felt I was the odd one out.
I was also very fearful and afraid to tell anyone about my gifts or my spiritual side. I was also so fearful of connecting deeper and had a lot of wounds that I healed throughout the course. The course changed my life!
I healed so many past lifetimes, ancestral beliefs and limiting beliefs that I was holding and it then made sense why I was thinking certain ways for years and why I was blocking myself from going forward. I released these fears and wounds through the course and I am so much happier and stronger in my self.
I learned how to understand me and connect with myself, I learned to let go of fear and step into my authentic self and start expressing my authentic self and take decisions based on what is aligned with my soul purpose. I remembered who I am and what I came here for and what my soul purpose and my gifts are.
I learned self-love and self-care, I learned boundaries and how to protect myself. I opened up my gifts, I got power and strength in who I am, I let go of fear. I am now not afraid to express my true self, I am now empowered to use my soul gifts and help others heal.
I am now ready to start my spiritual business which I knew I wanted, but was so afraid before the course. This course changed my life! Thank you, Chiara!